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4 Weight Workouts for a More Sculpted Body in 4 Weeks


AWC > Fitness & Weightloss > 4 Weight Workouts for a More Sculpted Body in 4 Weeks

Our last post had a great upper body weight training workout that you could follow for 4 weeks to improve your muscular strength and endurance and to get toned arms.  Since the 4 week program has 3 other workouts, I thought I'd give them to you all at once here.  You can implement it all at once like I did or you can use any of the workouts to enhance what you already have going in your fitness regimen.

Army Life: Reenlisting Indef

AWC > Military Life > Army Life:  Reenlisting Indef

Wow.  It's that time.  The time my husband says I will stay with you for 20 or more to the U.S. Army.  He's already been in over 14 years. To think he's been with the Army longer than me, his wife.

It feels like he has climbed the slide, and he's almost to the top.  This is a slide you can only do once.  So it's exciting and sad all at one time.  I'm so proud of the dedication my husband has shown to his children, family, fellow Soldiers, and country.

I wanted to share his last reenlistment with all of you.

If it doesn't appear below, click this link to watch -->

3rd Annual Macy's Salutes Our Military Fashion Show

AWC > Fort Bragg > 3rd Annual Macy's Salutes Our Military Fashion Show

(L to R) Val, Stephanie, Dayna, LT
 Clark, LT Clark, CourtneyY

First and foremost, I would like to give a big thank you to Macy's for giving us the opportunity to participate in this event! It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget! I would also like to thank Jennifer Stewart, the founder of Army Wives Club for giving me the opportunity to do this!
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