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3rd Annual Macy's Salutes Our Military Fashion Show

AWC > Fort Bragg > 3rd Annual Macy's Salutes Our Military Fashion Show

(L to R) Val, Stephanie, Dayna, LT
 Clark, LT Clark, CourtneyY

First and foremost, I would like to give a big thank you to Macy's for giving us the opportunity to participate in this event! It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget! I would also like to thank Jennifer Stewart, the founder of Army Wives Club for giving me the opportunity to do this!

A few months ago, Jennifer announced  this awesome opportunity! There was a lot of work and preparation that went into making this event happen.  First, we had our fitting. Oh dear heavens! Lets start with a little background about myself.  First and foremost, I am a mom.  Over the years, I have lost my style.  Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week I dedicate myself to my daughter and my husband.  I am a homemaker! Fashion has never been my high point, and most of the time you can find me wearing yoga pants and some sort of t-shirt, tank top, or whatever is most accessible at the time.  Most of the time, my hair is up in a pony tail or a bun, and if I have makeup on it's not glamorous.

On Friday, I went for my fitting for the show.  I was scared to death! I felt like a fish out of water and almost immediately I felt my anxiety setting in. I can't tell you how many times I almost went home! I often asked myself, "What in the world did I get myself into?".  What they selected for me to model wasn't something you'd find me wearing in my daily life.   I have always been a bigger girl and I have always had a confidence about myself.  It wasn't until I tried on these clothes that I felt were wrong for me, that I felt self conscious!  This was a battle I had with myself, the attendants assisting were wonderful and very assuring that I looked GREAT!

On Saturday, I showed up for the event.  I was greeted by the same friendly faces that I saw yesterday, which was a big relief! I needed these girls, this stuff was CONFUSING! I had my makeup done by Estee Lauder, which was wonderful! Then, we each had 4 showcases.  ACES, we called it.  Alfani, Calvin Klein Seperates, Evening Wear and Shoes.  This was the order that we were wearing these items.  Thank goodness for Stephanie Ensor, and her great acronym.  During the show, it was very fast paced, quickly going from one look, right into another.  It was hectic, but I feel like that is one part of this unpredictable world we live in. We were all feeling a little nervous and most definitely out of our element.  However, we all felt as if this was a good opportunity for us all to enjoy ourselves and have the spotlight on us.  The event was wonderful and all of us models had a wonderful time together.  We all had a bond.  We were all either spouses or U.S Army Veterans.

(L to R) Val, Dayna, Stephanie
LT Clark & LT Clark ;)
I would like to thank the entire Macy's staff here in Fayetteville for putting this event on and for their wonderful input on our individual styles.  I would also like to thank the other participants Stephanie, Dayna, Valerie and Lt. Clark and her husband for being supportive and keeping it together.  The support and encouragement that each gave made it even more of a wonderful experience.  It isn't very often that I get to treat myself, kick back and really enjoy myself.  As a homemaker, I devote my time to my family and I am 100% ok with that.  As an Army spouse, I take pride it the role that I play everyday in making my family function.  I take pride in what my husband does everyday, and there is no better recognition that I need then making sure that my family is healthy and happy.  Today was a special day.  A day I will never forget!

I would also like to take the time to thank all of our Veterans and our Military for their service to our country.  You are greatly appreciated!  I also would like to thank all of our spouses who stand by their men and women!  We appreciate you too!


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