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Introducing Rodneya

Hey Everyone! My name is Rodneya Varner and I’ve been an Army Wife for almost a year. My husband is in the Reserves.  I have to say this past year has been a rollercoaster for me! DH and I got married June 16, 2012. We started dating our senior year of high school and have been together for 5 years now.

I’m 22 years young and am the ultimate girly-girl! I love all things pink, I’m obsessed with makeup, and I can’t stop shopping to save my life!  I love blogging and making videos. I maintain two blogs: one personal and one about my life as a sales associate. I got my degree in Journalism and spend most of my days searching for my dream job. I currently work part time at the mall. 

Half My Heart is in Korea: Surviving a Hardship Tour During Pregnancy Part 1

AWC > Military Life > Half My Heart is in Korea: Surviving a Hardship Tour During Pregnancy Part 1 by Courtney

In my introduction, I mentioned that when I was 3 months pregnant my husband got orders to Korea. My husband and I moved here to Fort Bragg, NC in January 2010, where he was stationed with the 44th Medical Brigade.

We were here for a little over 2 years when one day my husband logged into his AKO to check his requisition.  It said that he was on orders.  My heart sank, I just knew it was Korea.  The previous months before my husband and I had often talked about volunteering to take a different base to get us out for Fort Bragg.  We waited a little while and then we finally received word that in fact, he was to report to Korea in April 2012.  Another hard blow, my due date was May 19, 2012.  What in the heck was I going to do!?!??! I couldn't even imagine having this baby by myself!

My Kind of Town, Chicago is!

AWC > Travel > My Kind of Town, Chicago is! by Angie

"My kind of town, Chicago is
My kind of razzmatazz
And it has, all that jazz"
-- My Kind of Town, by Frank Sinatra
Standing in front of the Shedd Aquarium, looking back at the Chicago skyline.

Click Here to view the Military Discounts I found in Chicago

Could Fort Gordon events become a casualty of Sequestration like Fort Bragg?

AWC > Fort Gordon > Fort Gordon events could become casualty of sequestration
Fort Gordon events could become casualty of sequestration (via The Augusta Chronicle)
Faced with $41 billion in cuts this fiscal year, the De­part­ment of Defense is cutting community events on bases nationwide. Some fear Fort Gordon’s Fourth of July laser and fireworks extravaganza, attended by 35,000 people each year, could be next. Fort Gordon has not canceled any community events…

Introducing Courtney

Introductions > Courtney

Hey all!!! My name is Courtney Youngs and I've been an Army wife for going on 4 years this October.  My experience with army life has been an interesting one and I often refer to our journey as  a crazy ride.  Before I start blogging and telling you about my experiences, I'd like to tell you about myself so you can understand where I'm coming from and who I am as an individual, not just an Army Wife! :)

Building with Army Wife Mickey- Chair Edition

AWC > DIY >  Building with Army Wife Mickey - Chair Edition

The chairs I decided to build were the  “SimpleOutdoor Lounge Chairs” from site mostly because it had the word simple in it…lol.  

TTC - How Mickey Handles the 2WW

AWC > Trying To Conceive (TTC) > Mickey > How Mickey Handles the 2WW

One thing I have learned while TTCing is that the two week wait (TWW) can make a person go crazy!  I often am asked what I do to help with the anxiety of that time.  During the week of Spring Break, I decided to document one of my favorite hobbies during this time….building furniture!!!

MilSO's DIY - Building, Crafting, & other Hidden Talents

AWC > DIY - Building, Crafting, & other Hidden Talents

We are so much more than Military Spouses!  Look at all the amazing things we can do.  Whether it's crafting, building or some other hidden talent, there's something each of us does that makes us unique.  Read & Watch as Military Spouses just like you share their talents!

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AWC is not responsible for any injury or accuracy for building, crafting, or other project shown.  Please proceed with caution when attempting any projects.

Have a skill or hidden talent you want to share? Send an email to or comment below and we will add it. Don't forget to include the URL!

Adoption Update / Boston Marathon

I had originally planned today to write about our weekend.  The man and I drove the hour down on Saturday to see S, our birth mom, and spend some time with her.  It was a nice time, lunch, a college baseball game, and then a quick dinner before we returned home.  I originally planned to talk about how we got to this point in our journey to build our family.

Introducing Angie

AWC > Introduction > Angie

Like most women, my mind is almost always racing.  I can go from thinking about war to why my dogs smell so bad to what’s for dinner to what the heck my neighbor is doing in about 0.9 seconds flat.  It should make for some interesting blog posts and I am super excited that I’ve been asked to contribute here at AWC!  With that said though, there are probably some key things you should know about me.  

The first, obviously or I wouldn’t be here, is that I’m an Army wife.  I met my husband back in 1999 and we’ve been married since 2001.  Many Army wives stumble their way into the life, but I knew exactly what I was getting into.  My dad retired as a SGM when I was 13 so I pretty much knew what it was all about from the beginning.

TTC - RE Appointment Update, Metformin & Feeling Weird - Mickey Vlog

AWC > Trying To Conceive (TTC) > Mickey > RE Appointment Update, Metformin & Feeling Weird
 Image Only. Click Video Below to watch.

  vlogs about her "RE Appointment, Metformin & Feeling Weird"

Fabulous by 40 - Workout at Casablanca Neighborhood Center

AWC > Fitness/Weightloss > Fabulous by 40 > Workout at Casablanca Neighborhood Center

Today is Day 1 of Fabulous by 40. That's right I'll be 40 this December. Now that we are taking a break from TTC, I can focus on my physical health.  I know you'd think that I should be doing that while TTCin', but you aren't allowed to do anything that would make your ponytail bounce.  It meant no working out.

I'm going to share my journey and the gyms I visit.  What weight am I starting at?  I don't know. Probably 205...sz18  What weight/size do I want to be?  It's not my focus.  I'll let ya know if my jean size change ok?  I want to be active and not tire out quickly.  My goal is to play a game of volleyball with my brother.  Hahaha I'm sure he'll get a kick out of that goal.

TTC - Ripping Off the Band Aid/ Cycle Results - Mickey

AWC > Trying To Conceive (TTC) > Mickey > Ripping Off the Band Aid/ Cycle Results

  rips of the band aid and shares her cycle results

Ripping off the Band Aid/ Cycle Result



Blogging about TTC, whether by AWC or a guest blogger, is to document personal experiences. We are not doctors. This is not medical advice. We encourage you to seek professional medical assistance regarding your individual journey.  

We Are Not Pawns

I don't know about you, but  I feel like the Military community has been a pawn in the political mess.  For years, yes YEARS, our community has been told our Servicemembers may not get paid, and now our children's education is being threatened.  SERIOUSLY?

Below is video, by WRAL, of how the uncertainty and sequestration is impacting an Army Wife at Fort Bragg.  I know she doesn't speak for all, but she's a mom.  The fact she has to wonder like this is not right.

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