This pregnancy has been very interesting to say the least. My friends and family back home in Texas keep asking me if I am showing yet because I haven't posted any belly pics. Like I mentioned in the past, I don't really feel comfortable with belly pics, but decided I would give them proof that there's no belly and that it's still just my normal flabby belly that i've always
- Genetic Counselor Anatomy Scan
- AFT Screening Results
- Pregnancy: The Big Reveal
- Pregnancy Vlog: Home Doppler Fun/Finding Baby's Heartbeat
- Pregnancy Week 10 & 11- Symptoms & Preparing to Spill the Beans
- Pregnancy Vlog - First Midwife Appointment
- Pregnancy Week 9 - Back from Trip / Cramping
- Pregnancy Week 8 - Stressful Trip / Symptoms
- Pregnancy Week 7 - Heartbeat/Burping/Midwives/Bellyshot
- Annnnnnd We Have A Beat!
- Beta #1 & #2 Results
- I'm a Weakling... I Tested Early!
- TTC - It's Time Again for the 2WW
- 27 Months of TTCing - Mickey
- TTC - RE Appointment Update, Metformin, & Feeling Weird - Mickey Vlog
- TTC - Feeling Better/Keeping Busy - Mickey Vlog
- TTC - Ripping Off the Band Aid / Cycle Results - Mickey Vlog
- Introducing Mickey
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