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Date Night- December 7, 2012

It's Friday night.  In our household it's date night.  Now that I'm working we have a little more money, but less time together.  It's more important than ever to set aside a night just for us.

First up we went to Panera Bread.  We got the Pick 2.  I don't know about you, but meals now a days are just too large to consume the whole thing.  This was just the right size!  Panera Bread can be a little more expensive, but I never leave feeling like I didn't get my moneys worth.  The food is fresh. It's almost like I made it home.  Well, maybe if I was that good of a cook. ;)

Next up was a movie.  We headed to the Millstone Theatres in Hope Mills, NC.  Best theaters in the area.  I love their stadium seating.  I talked the husband into seeing a "Playing For Keeps". It was the perfect chick flick for date night.  Plus Gerard Butler takes his shirt off a couple time.  HAWT!  He doesn't disappoint.  The most believable character of all was Jessica Biel's.  I truly forgot she was married to Justin Timberlake.  Her acting had you believing she was in complete denial and head over heals in love with Gerard's character.  My husband thought the movie was bearable, though I doubt he'd see it solo or with the guys.  Ladies, talk your significant other into this one. 
Of course what's the best way to end the night?  ICE CREAM!  Not sure what else there is to say about this.  Last date night it was Coldstone.  Tonight we decided to switch it up and his Baskin Robbins.  I was craving everything chocolate.

What did you do Friday night?  Have a suggestion of something we should do next Date Night?  Comment below.  We'd love to here your ideas/thoughts.

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